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Number of entries in guestbook: 3

Frans voan den Hemel und Fred Versluis from Amsterdam

Vacation in Mai 2005

Last year we had a very succesful exchange with you. If your are still interested we would love to return to St. Martin.

Elizabeth and Pat Smith from Dublin

Vacation in July 2006

We are sure everyone falls in love with your holiday home and we are no exception. We saw the magnificent countryside in glorious weather - never less than 20°C and 32°C one or two days, but the nights were pleasantly cool, with one or two thunderstorms to cool things down. Many thanks for all the useful tourist literature and recommendations. We enjoyed meals in La Charade, Amandine and also Le Petit Coque.


Rêveries du printemps, Février 2007
The perfect relaxation and fun-experience! A nice fondue, chimneyfire and a landscape that could have been used as scenery from some Caspar David Friedrich painting on the first day. This chalet was so cosy that we did not even manage to try out the spectacular sauna. The second day was the more modern side with skiers racing downhill in in Morzine. Jagertee is not everyones favorite, but it certainly became ours! Already dreaming of the next stay! Philipp

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